Hi, I’m Markus.
Nice to meet you. This website is kind of like a blog; I just add what I'm interested in at the time. Please don't hesitate to reach out. 🌸
My experience
Technologisches Gewerbemuseum
Student Representative HIT - 556 students - Vienna
Within the Computer Science branch I was elected as the Department Representative for 556 students.
In this role, I represent my peers and help organize events and initiatives to enhance our school experience.
Digital Stroke Doctor Project Manager
Diploma Project - Vienna
I'm developing the Digital Stroke Doctor App with a team of four for my diploma.
The app aids rescue personnel in the initial treatment of strokes by using AI to provide immediate diagnosis and action recommendations.
Giesecke+Devrient Software Architect
Summer Internship - Dubai, United Arabic Emirates
Developing a competitor analysis platform for market intelligence.
Retrieving competitor data (business strategies, prices, products and features) from social media and analyzing it using AI.
VSA Project Manager
E-Commerce Project - Vienna
As a team of six, we developed a platform that helps people manage and pass on their digital legacy.
Siemens Software Engineer
Summer Internship - Vienna
Adding a SaaS feature to import offline SimBench powergrids into an internal powergrid of a Network Analysis Tool for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).
Visualizing powerflow and state estimation data with an Angular WebServer that sends requests to a Java Backend via Spring Boot on the same machine for offline usage.
Washington Community High School
ISCED 3 - Exchange Semester - Washington, Illinois
Grateful to experience American education during my exchange semester in Illinois where I received an Honorary High School Diploma, acknowledging the completion of graduation requirements.
Technologisches Gerwerbemuseum
ISCED 5 - Technical College - Vienna
I decided to study Computer Science at TGM, one of Vienna's largest and most prestigious technical schools with nearly 3,000 students, where I focus on Data Science.
ISCED 2 - Bundesrealgymnasium (BRG) - Vienna
Due to my huge interest in mathematics, I decided to pursue my education in the mathematics oriented track.